Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fenugreek for Fatter Horses

Fenugreek, with its aromatic dour and strong flavour is more commonly used in curry powders than as a medicinal herb. Looking back in history, however, it was usd by the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians to:

- prevent fevers,
- comfort the stomach,
- be a poultice for abscesses, boils and carbuncles,
- soothe sore throats and treat colds,
- cure baldness in men, and
- "fatten" harem women (in those days, buxom women were very prized!).


The chemical composition of fenugreek is, surprisingly, extremely similar to that of cod liver oil. It contains (among other things):
iron (in an easily digestible form)
several alkaloids
diosgenin (a precursor to several hormones)


In the past eighty years or so, fenugreek seeds have been extremely widely used by horse people to:
- promote and maintain good condition.
- encourage fussy eaters.
- increase milk production in lactating mares.
- soothe inflamed intestines.
- reduce complications induced by gastric ulcers.

It has also been found to be useful for:
- allergies,
- bruises,
- anemia,
- lung problems, and
- sinus congestion.

Although some people dismiss some of these claims as "quackery", eighty years of popular use does seem to speak for itself, in my opinion.

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